Work with me
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Work with me
tell me how

A bespoke experience of coaching, mentoring and consulting where I partner with you on an individual level to unpack and navigate what is required for you to step fully and intentionally into your success.
You need to be willing to invest in yourself and do the work required to unlock your Quiddity and impact.
VIP Intensive
A 1-day face to face immersion experience of coaching, mentoring and consulting to powerfully unlock your Quiddity and impact.
Are you wanting a full immersion experience of a face to face VIP intensive with me?
Book a discover call with me to explore this possibility.
quiddity online
The Quiddity Vault: A group academy for individuals wanting to create habits of success to grow and develop themselves and their work by unlocking their unique Quiddity code.
Self-study programmes/Masterclasses designed to enable, enrich and empower you on your personal development journey.
The doors are currently closed.
Sign up below to be the first to know when the next Group program with Alison reopens.

My business partner and I had a series of sessions with Alison. Initially, we were curious about the thinking environment, and then we were amazed!
We loved our sessions and used them fully to discuss all sorts of things business and personal life-related.
Alison helped us to navigate some tricky waters and really explore what we are looking to do with our lives. Her calm and yet energetic presence was perfect for us!
Samantha Laing
Agile Coach

“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible and intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.” – Napoleon Hill
A bespoke experience of exceptional individuals who come together with the intention of collectively creating a Thinking Environment for all to be enabled towards phenomenal success. The Quiddity Hub Masterminds create and contain a space for:
- Quality relationships
- Quality conversations
- Quality collective thinking
- Quality planning and action and
- Quality results
The Quiddity Entrepreneurs Mastermind is focused on entrepreneurs (who otherwise would be operating alone in developing and growing their businesses) a hub to hold them, their challenges and their thinking towards significant growth and success.
The Quiddity Leadership Mastermind is focused on leaders navigating the space of personal and professional growth by overcoming the challenges of being alone, not having a safe space to reflect or not having access to a collective who can challenge and support them.
The doors are currently closed.
Sign up below to be the first to know when the next Mastermind with Alison reopens.
The Quiddity Entrepreneurs Mastermind is focused on entrepreneurs (who otherwise would be operating alone in developing and growing their businesses) a hub to hold them, their challenges and their thinking towards significant growth and success.
The Quiddity Leadership Mastermind is focused on leaders navigating the space of personal and professional growth by overcoming the challenges of being alone, not having a safe space to reflect or not having access to a collective who can challenge and support them.
The doors are currently closed.
Sign up below to be the first to know when the next Mastermind with Alison reopens.
In-person Intervention facilitation
In-person Intervention facilitation
Wanting an experienced Organisational Psychologist and coach to facilitate an intervention or workshop designed to meet your unique objectives, please contact me.