Client Appreciation
Client Appreciation
fatima’s coaching journey
My name is Fatima Peters: Wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, cousin, niece, aunt, public servant, health services manager & leader & a life-long learner…
I had the privilege to work with Alison for just over twelve months between 2017-2018.
This journey enriched my life in so many ways…
I think what stands out most for me is that, unlike my previous coaching the journey with Alison touched more than just work…I was able to bring everything to my sessions. All my roles & functions work and home. I loved that! We reflected on the “good, the bad & the ugly!”
I felt completely heard and understood. Alison is remarkably attentive and present. I appreciated her deep understanding of the context I work in (not everyone gets the public service!), as well as my personal context such as being a wife, a mother, a Muslim woman and someone with bilateral hearing impairment.
During my sessions I felt “listened to.”
I comfortably steered the direction of my coaching. Alison was able to “hold me” no matter what I brought to my sessions. I never felt judged or limited in any way, in fact I felt I could be ME, completely…This journey revealed aspects of me that have been dormant, restricted or unknown… I valued the safe space to spend time on matters that are important to me. Alison offered me helpful insights, perspective and practical tools.
Since this amazing journey with Alison, I have continued to reflect on the “good, the bad & the ugly.” Learning from them all, celebrating them all… After all, recognising blind spots is in itself already an achievement too! Addressing them is the next step…I have also learnt to fade out my inner self-critic (I use what I can but the useless negativity I let fall on my “deaf ears!!”).
I am being as kind and forgiving to myself as I am to others. An absolute new quality that is serving me well, is embracing me for who I am… Alison, showing up to our sessions together and being able to be me has unlocked a new journey…I started liking the person I was during those sessions so much, I started being her more outside of those sessions too…and I have not stopped. I am a much happier PERFECTLY IMPERFECT person…Thank YOU!
Fatima Peters
Comprehensive Health Programmes Manager, Department of Health

Nonhlanhla‘s story
Nonhlanhla‘s story
My three year journey with Alison where I had the privilege to observe and learn as she provided group coaching to managers that functioned in a highly stressful and politically charged working environment offered valuable lessons for me.
The first highlight was how she managed to apply different ways to interact with a diverse range of people (ranging from those who were indifferent to those who were keen) while simultaneously making a connection with them at an individual level. I learned that patience and a positive perspective during those interactions allows people to open up when they would ordinarily not do so.
Observing and interacting with Alison where she encouraged and stimulated active reflection, not only to reflect on one’s professional/work perspective but also regarding one’s personal space opened me up to the value of reflection. Making a conscious effort to be present in how one feels about their circumstance, positive or negative allowed me to experience my circumstances in an honest manner.
I appreciated how Alison always made me feel that I was capable which nurtured my confidence through her constant positive feedback and expressions of appreciation. I have continued with this practice in my own spaces with both those I work with and at home and it is amazing how people react differently to me.
I may not be perfect but I also learned the art of listening for sake of listening as opposed to generate a response. I may not get it right consistently, but it is a skills that I am aware is important to refine. The most important lesson I have taken away from my experience with Alison is the value of self-awareness. I think to some extent, it has made me accept the flaws I cannot change and excited to work on those that I can change. That in itself adds to colour to my life because I constantly have something to work on and monitor the change as I go along.
And finally, I appreciate Alison’s bubbly personality and sense of humour and how that made the most unlikely individuals open up to her. It is certainly a skill that will enable her to function and be effective in the most unique spaces.
Nonhlanhla Nxumalo
Are you ready
to let your Quiddity shine?
Are you ready
to let your Quiddity shine?